A new optical illusion on Twitter threatens to unseat the two-color dress
The dress in golden and white colors that some saw in blue and black, is past. The news on Twitter, on optical illusions, is a feminine face.
In the snapshot you can see the face of a woman in blue and white tones. To appreciate the illusion, you need to look fifteen seconds at the white point that is located in the nose of the young girl for later stare at the blank square on the right or on any surface neutral color.
Specifically, this event, known as a negative afterimage, is explained by the visual fatigue, which causes the remaining images, and responsible to project the same image but in reverse color, as if it were a photographic negative.
Ganglion cells are those that produce the appearance of these remaining images that get the brain to perceive his surroundings through the primary colors.
Subsequently, three neural channels take that information to the brain. The first channel, in particular, is responsible for sending the colors white, black and gray. The second one is that of the red and green colors, while the latter is characterized by yellow and blue.
When we put the view in a picture where there is a predominant color and immediately stare at a surface of a light-colored tones other channels are perceived more intensely. This peculiarity united with the memory of the image occurs as a result the optical illusion of a woman color.
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